Rain Fae


Event Items - 
Solstice: The Fellowship - 
Dress: Amias - ARWEN white - Maitreya Lara
300$L per color with 14 colors available. Includes dress, belt, circlet, hand accessories and back drape. Rigged for Maitreya/Petite and Legacy/Perky mesh bodies. 
Fat-pack it for 1,500$L and get 6 extra colors. 

Rings: ::Static:: Amarth Ring {Maitreya}
295$L ring with color change HUD featuring 8 metal, 15 gems colors.  Fitted for Maitreya, Legacy Female, and Kupra mesh bodies. 
Male version also available and is rigged for Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni and Geralt. 

Building: CELESTE - Elven Retreat
262$L, 35LI, resizable. 
Flowers: CELESTE - Gentle Flowers - Standard - Blue
112$L pack with 6 colors included.  1LI each , resizable. 

Engine Room – 
Hair: Raven BellSoleil Hair (Celestial)
350$L per color pack with 3 color packs available. Celestial color pack also available for 250$L.
Includes male and female versions and multiple ways of wear. 

Ritual Event - 
Wings: Quills & Curiosities - A Touch of Light Wings
250$L unrigged wings with color change HUD featuring 10 wing colors and 4 metal colors. 
*Check out the Touch of Darkness version here*

Plant Lamps: Quills & Curiosities - Luminesce (Floor Green & White)
250$L pack with both floor lamp and hanging lamp versions. Includes green/black bases and 6 pod colors. 

Pose: [piXit] Crystal
200$L per set with both full body and portrait versions available. 

Includes 8 static bento poses with mirrored versions and pose props.
Planet29 - 
Eyes: *Rainbow Sundae* Comet Eyes - LIGHTS
175$L per set with Lights and Darks available. Includes Lelutka appliers, Omega appliers, and BoM versions. Includes 16 colors  per pack.

Fat-pack it for 299$L. 
Non - Event Items - 
Pose/Props/Location -
Clouds: LuluB! - Mars - Storm.
Body -
Head: LAQ Bento –Scarlet 3.05 (Omega Installed)
Skin: Lumae - Genus Jemima - Maitreya T3 - Push Up

Teeth: Raven Bell - Fang Teeth [Set Back]
Ears: Astara - Bento Elf Size 2 BOM
Makeup -
Nails: RAWR! Au Revoir Nails Maitreya
Hairbase: REVOUL - Baby Twigiana / BOM BW 3
Nipple pasties: FGInc.+ Blessed Suns, Silver Filigree
Palette: alaskametro<3  "Ice" palette
Eyebrows: alaskametro<3  "La Mode" eyebrows - light
Accessories -
Nose piercings: *Rainbow Sundae*  Anna Nose Ring – L – FATPACK
Jewelry: :[P]:- Female Serra Chain // Golden


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